it is too cold to write

it is too cold to write

hello there,

it has been a long while since i wrote in my blog. i have been busy with other things and my feet have been too cold for me to want to write here. also i have nothing to say except for a few harsh words about tendring council and their unclear parking signs. they can see me in hell. or court, whichever comes first.

it should come as no surprise to most people that i am very angry. there is so much steam coming out of my ears that i could use myself to power a train. but i won’t because they wouldn’t give me fair pay. they are my ears and i will use them only for my own personal steamings. i do not want to be used or taken for granted. on thursday i am going to get my hand pierced. it’s a piercing that goes right the way through your palm and out the other side. today is tuesday.

my feet are cold and i left my hot water bottle in my tree house which burnt down in 2003

so long for now, 


mary greenburg (sir)

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Oy Veys Adventure is far to difficult >:(


I’m sorry for the loss of your treehouse, but that fire must of been very warm though, something that is needed this winter


yeah no problem


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